Thursday, August 4, 2022

Katie La Corte-Week 04, Day 03

 Surrounded by trees and fog on a hillside is a live-in school. This school is created by a man named Gregory Edwin. Students describe him as a tall lanky man with red eyes and a crooked smile. Any time that he visits the school driving his hearse something horrible or unusual happens to one of the students.  Inhabiting this school are creatures made by Gregory Edwin whose body is that of a human and it's head is that of an animal. A combination of both human and animal genetics. The students are supervised by staff and put on strict schedules of when they eat, sleep, and play. The students are treated unfairly by staff and given harsh or unusual punishments depending on what it is they have done. The main character of this story is Lambi, a lamb born with only one eye. Throughout her life, she was treated like she was deformed and believed due to her birth defect of having only one eye is more prone to behavioral issues. Lambi is a hybrid creature made from both lamb and human genetics. She was made by Gregory Edwin who imprisoned her when she was first created. When she escaped she had to learn how to protect herself from people who tried to harass her. She taught herself to use various weapons and became very untrustworthy of people. She is later recaptured by Gregory Edwin who brings her to this school. At school, Lambi meets new friends who she has to learn to trust and be kind to. It is hard for her since she is humiliated by her peers or avoided altogether. When she meets a lamb named Rosemary who becomes her best friend. Lambi has difficulty getting used to Rosemary due to never being treated with kindness before. Over time Lambi and Rosemary team up to plan an escape. While this is occurring Lambi starts to unravel the dark past of Gregory Edwin and his murderous rampage on students. 

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